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Friday, August 28, 2020
History of Hospitals Essays
History of Hospitals Essays History of Hospitals Essay History of Hospitals Essay Medical clinics started in the seventeenth century essentially as an organization to give lodging and fundamental social insurance to poor people. It gave a safe house to isolate people to forestall the spread of profoundly infectious maladies. The innovations and inoculations accessible didn't consider the far reaching care we depend on today. The individuals who could bear the cost of clinical consideration would pay specialists and medical caretakers to offer types of assistance in their home. In the mid nineteenth century, as mechanical urban communities turned out to be increasingly populated, the interest for clinical and institutional consideration developed. Clinical innovation and logical advancement made wandering social insurance accessible, yet there was insufficient cash-flow to help constructing enormous foundations feasible to encourage it. Strict associations, givers, and nearby governments manufactured private and open foundations intended to convey walking, inpatient, and crisis care to neighborhood populaces. By the start of the twentieth century, clinics got skilled for examination, improvement, and logical disclosure. Offices turned out to be extremely enormous, lodging and regarding patients just as encouraging clinical examination. Current emergency clinics presently give clinical consideration to the most mind boggling and basically sick patients while exploring, enhancing, and propelling clinical innovation. With expanding interest for treatment of constant consideration, just as the headways in intense mobile consideration, present day clinics have coordinated vertically and on a level plane to differentiate their image and give an umbrella of responsibility as an Integrated Delivery System. After World War II, oversaw care entered the commercial center. Insurance agencies started to contract with emergency clinic gatherings and Integrated Delivery Systems to give thorough protection and medicinal services conveyance, all revolved around an emergency clinic or gathering of medical clinics. Emergency clinics have become an impetus to the business, giving the most serious and basic consideration to the individuals who need it most. These foundations have given a shelter to the most broken down and least fortunate people in the network who might be left without care in any case. Incorporated Delivery Systems have been built up, advancing corporate speculation by relieving hazard, facilitating the weight on non-benefit open emergency clinics subsidized by government elements and strict associations. Vertical incorporation gives a wide scope of conveyance as opposed to one forte, expecting more serious hazard prompting inventive associations with patients and payers. Flat joining smoothes out procedures, gives more prominent economies of scale, and gives a strong establishment to bigger conveyance frameworks. Clinics have been important to the business since the seventeenth century. Be that as it may, the expense of emergency clinic care has developed significantly in the previous 50 years, and the wellsprings of income have moved from private financing and health care coverage to government projects, for example, Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare represents about 33% of all emergency clinic consumptions, whose expense calendars and DRG installment model don't advance quality, precaution care. The lessening in the quantity of huge clinics in the course of recent decades has respected a development in littler, revenue driven forte medical clinics which puts a more noteworthy weight on network medical clinics that give expensive crisis and complex consideration. The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 gave government subsidizing to emergency clinics in center and lower class regions with admonitions and guidelines for how care was conveyed. Emergency clinics that got financing were required to give uncompensated consideration to the individuals who couldn't manage the cost of it, setting a huge weight of hazard to the office. The Public Service Health Act strengthened these guidelines by expanding the extent of â€Å"inability to pay†, prompting an expansion in claims and authoritative expenses to the effectively enormous emergency clinic financial plans. Lean administration with execution in data innovation are critical to hospitals’ future accomplishment as a foundation to coordinated conveyance frameworks. With the goal for medical clinics to be powerful as we progress into the 21st century, a structure ought to encourage singular specialists in playing out their different exercises. And yet, it must not entangle the vital collaboration and correspondence among experts and multidisciplinary determination and treatment of patients. Structure must add to effectiveness and straightforwardness of procedures including distinctive patient classifications, yet without dividing the work procedures of specialists to an extreme and decentralizing innovation to an unmanageable scale (Geisler et al 158). References Geisler, Eliezer, Koos Krabbendam, and Roel Schuring. Innovation, Health Care, and Management in the Hospital of the Future. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. 158. digital book. Williams, Stephen J. Prologue to Health Services. seventh ed. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2008. 183-97. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example For Students
A Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay A Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Nights DreamMandy Conway Mrs. GuynesEnglish 1216 March 2000A Critical Analysis of ?A Midsummer Nights Dream?William Shakespeare, conceived in 1594, is perhaps the best author in writing. He kicks the bucket in 1616 subsequent to finishing numerous works and plays. One of which is ?A Midsummer Nights Dream.? They state that this play is the most simply sentimental of Shakespeares comedies. The topics of the play are dreams and reality, love and enchantment. This exceptional play is a play-with-in-a-play, which ace essayists just compose effectively. Shakespeare demonstrates here to be an ace essayist. Pundits think that its an errand to clarify the unpredictability of the play, crowds think that its satisfying to peruse and watch. ?A Midsummer Nights Dream? is a satire joining components of adoration, pixies, enchantment, and dreams. This play is a satire around five couples who endure cherishes abnormal games and the malevolence behind the naughty stunts. This play starts as Theseus, the Duke, is getting ready to wed Hippolyta. He charms her with his blade. Hermia is enamored with Lysander. Egeus, Hermias father, restricts the relationship with Lysander and requests her to wed Demetrius. Demetrius cherishes Hermia, however she doesn't adore him. Then again, Helena is enamored with Demetrius. To settle the disarray, Theseus concludes that Hermia must wed Demetrius or become a religious recluse. In reprisal to her dads order, Hermia and Lysander flee together. In the midst of the considerable number of issues in the human world, Titania and Oberon, the pixie sovereign and lord, ceaselessly contend about their different connections that they have participated in. (Scott 336) Titania leaves Oberon because of the contentions. Oberon is harmed and needs retribution on Titania. So he tells Puck, Oberons hireling, to put an enchantment blossom squeeze on her eyelids while she is dozing. This elixir makes the casualty frantically infatuated with the principal animal that they see. Oberons plan is done, yet the elixir is additionally positioned on Lysanders eyes. Lysander gets up to see Helena, who is carelessly strolling through the forested areas, and in a split second becomes hopelessly enamored with her. She imagines that he is ridiculing her being enamored with Demetrius, so she leaves and Lysander follows. This disregards Hermia to wake up. Puck presently has ventured to the zone where a few entertainers are practicing. He utilizes his enchantment to transform one of them into a jackass, with the expectation that Titania will alert to see it. Similarly as arranged, she gets up and begins to look all starry eyed at the jackass. Oberon and Puck catch Demetrius and Hermia contending about thei r connections and understand that they had committed an error. In order to solve the issue, Puck places enchantment squeeze on Demetrius while he is resting. He rises and shines to Helena, who currently has two men in affection with her. Hermia is crushed in light of the fact that Lysander doesn't adore her any longer. Helena and Hermia contend on the grounds that Helena imagines that Hermia is in on the mens ?joke.? Every one of the four contend and leave. Puck convinces them to rest all together and a greater amount of the counteractant is put on the eyes of Lysander. Titania likewise gets another portion of the elixir, and rises and shines to her better half Oberon. A triple wedding is arranged and everybody is glad. (thinkquest.com 1-3)Throughout the play there are numerous references to the sexual orientation and sex jobs of the characters. As portrayed in the basic exposition by Shirley Nelson Garner, the ruling male force and peculiar sex jobs of the characters is familiar al l through the play. The requesting of the pixie, human, and normal universes is a development toward fulfilling mens mental necessities; however it likewise disturbs womens bonds with one another. The contention among Titania and Oberon emerges from Titanias focal point of consideration toward a taken Indian kid. Oberon utilizes his power to constrain Titania to surrender the kid, and he is stunned when she resists him and leaves. Her connection to the kid is sensual, in light of the fact that she treats him like Bottom after she begins to look all starry eyed at him by a spell. The basic explanation behind Oberons objection of Titania and the young men relationship is that he covertly needs the kid for himself. Oberon makes a move since his capacity is undermined by Titanias love for the kid. He needs her as well, so he wins the kid for himself to cause her to feel second rate. As such, Titania quit any trace of something that she wanted to fulfill her significant other. This is se en in regular day to day existence, ladies surrender their needs to fulfill their men. Titanias penance for Oberon cost her to lose both her Indian kid and his mom, her ladies sweetheart. At the point when men dont satisfy ladies, they go to their companions for what they need, whatever it might be. (Scott 370-373)Male control exists among a couple, yet in addition among father and girl. Theseus won't permit Hermia to wed Lysander. Theseus needs her to wed Demetrius. Egeus, a ruler, will compel Hermia to turn into a religious woman except if she weds Demetrius. In reprisal to his requests, Lysander and Hermia flee together. Hermia is chided by Egeus for being enamored with the man she picks. This proposes men cause ladies to feel constrained and committed to do as is commonly said. (Scott 373) Another case of male mastery is the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. Theseus first spouse was delicate and yielding, and he separated from her. Hippolyta has been a warrior, and Theseus triu mph over her makes her unfit to stand up to. By vanquishing the female warrior and wedding her, he satisfies his requirement for the restrictive love of a lady while fulfilling his homoerotic wants. Close holding satisfies this homoerotic want with a male buddy, for example, Demetrius and Egeus. (Scott 373-373)Male envy and requirement for strength ruins womens associations with companions and furthermore goes to fierceness. Hermia and Helena were once personal companions, yet Helena is dubious of Hermias inclusion in the mens ?joke.? Bonds between ladies are similarly as significant as mens bonds with one another, however desire prompts the finish of womens joy. At the point when Helena seeks after Demetrius, his male severity is uncovered when he dismisses her for another lady, affronts her, and takes steps to assault her. Additionally, when the men go gaga for her, she feels like the ?aim of a joke.? This mixes female instability and torment, again brought about by past maltreatm ent from men. The accommodating idea of ladies empowers Hermia and Helena to endure their darlings misuse. (Scott 374-376)The compromise among Titania and Oberon, toward the finish of the play, carries gift to the human world. This recommends the joy of the world rely upon the measure of adoration between couples. The issues caused recommend the hetero holding is ideal. Similarly as ladies have uncertainties, men feel that if ladies combined there will be no requirement for men, conceivably barring them or inclining toward the fellowship and love between ladies to a man-lady relationship. This dread is incompletely founded on the real world, yet additionally by projection. Since men have more grounded bonds with one another, they avoid ladies from cooperation in tings in which they care about; they accept that lady, whenever allowed the open door would do likewise. Mens fundamental conviction is that isolating and vanquishing ladies is the best way to keep their capacity. (Scott 376 )The article composed by George A. Bernard shows the dream and reality issues in the play. The dreamland and true exist separated from one another, never meeting anytime. The occupants of the pixie world are unbelievable as in they need sentiments and knowledge. The fantasy world, outside humans ability to understand, unequivocally impacts the whole domain of standard life. Ordinarily of their mankind, Oberons power causes powerlessness in the human world. This pixie realm is basically a fantasy, which shows up at whatever point reason rests, and during this time Oberon controls all things. Such figments and dreams, made by Oberon, can be perilous in the event that they shut out people view of the real world. As the play demonstrates, these fantasies play out a significant capacity throughout everyday life. (Scott 381)Fairies, some portion of the dreamland, live in the realm in the obscure, dream-like East. Around there, legends, fantasies, and unthinkable stories begin. This put is all the more regularly called ?the fantasy world.? The East exists both during and after rest. The pixies carry the accounts to you from the East. The pixies never think and love, which clarifies the entirety of the double dealing and odd occasions that continue during the play. This is worthy in their reality, since all the laws that oversee the universe of reality have no presence in the fantasy world. The darlings fall between these two universes and are influenced by both. The pixies deceive the sweethearts, since people are no acquainted with the fairys domain. In reality, Hermia is reasonable and Lysander is sensible. They need to be together even against Egeus orders, which is sensible reasoning. When the two are distant from everyone else, creative mind assumes responsibility for them and they are blinded regarding the hardships that will undoubtedly cross the course of genuine affection. This makes them flee. (Scott 382-385)Mark van Doren clarifies the language and verse i n ?A Midsummer Nights Dream? as a massive field of Shakespeares unprecedented graceful creative mind. This creative mind is sufficiently huge to house pixie domains and the universe of the real world, including all the curious signs of either place. Additionally the capacity to depict the different and regularly very unique districts of the plays universe by drawing on the rich assets of verse. The words moon and water command the verse of the play. (McIntosh 3) four glad days acquire another moon: yet, O, me thinks, how moderate. This old moon winds down! She waits my wants? (McIntosh 1-3). Because of their huge suggestive potential, these pictures induce am whole system of interlocking images that incredibly improve the content. The moon, water, and wet blossoms plot to broaden the universe of the play until it is as extensive as all believable life. The moon and water als
Friday, August 21, 2020
Profile of al-Qa'ida and Analysis of U.S. Homeland Security Domestic Term Paper
Profile of al-Qa'ida and Analysis of U.S. Country Security Domestic Policy - Term Paper Example Be that as it may, before the finish of this war in 1988, container Laden, his teacher Dr. Abdullah al-Azzam (who additionally took an interest in the war) and their partners began mulling over about the Islamic militancy affiliation that had framed during the war. This is the place Al-Qa’ida started, which got unequivocal in its enemy of US approach when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia needed to offer space to US troops to screen the Iraq-Kuwait war (Kenneth Katzman, 2005). Another view is a marginally extraordinary adaptation of the abovementioned, where Al-Qa’ida is said to have begun by Azzam as â€Å"al-qaeda al-sulbah (a vanguard of the strong)†. It was a lot later in 1998 when receptacle Laden and his related were connected to US bombings that they framed Al-Qa’ida (Burke, 2004). This paper will concentrate on the occasions that followed the detailing of al-Qa’ida and the hostility between the West and this Islamic association, which caused the extraordinary security condition. The last piece of this paper centers around the safety efforts inside US country and an evaluation that whether the strategies are fit for shedding off the security dangers presented to the country, or not. Whatever the genuine story behind the rise of al-Qa’ida might be, there is no uncertainty that it is an Islamic association (not really a terrorists’ arrange) that is at a solid oppositional position against the United States, and has been viewed as a significant risk to US country for quite a while, most expressly since the World Trade Center assaults of September 11, 2001. Al-Qa’ida doesn't fill in as an open aggressor power nor does any exposure that could contain its philosophy or declaration. Be that as it may, its belief system and goals are clear from the greater part of the announcements discharged by the gathering individuals, top pioneers or Osama canister Laden himself. Since the start, it has been certain that al-Qa’ida is an enemy of US bunch with unequivocal proclamations of resistance.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
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Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Write Essay Topics Write Essay Topics Options When you freewrite you just let your mind focus on a specific subject, then you write all you know about doing it. You will find that lots of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any type of writing assignment. After a particular topic was selected, it is currently the period of start brainstorming about the subject, doing research and making outlines of information obtained. If you attempt to google something like buy essay on the internet or even do my homework for me, you will observe hundreds of return outcomes. What Does Write Essay Topics Mean? For example, internet is an overall topic. Browsing the internet you will come across millions of essay writing resources. Normally, searching over the net for free essays are often quite challenging. Knowing what sort of essay you're attempting to write can help you choose a topic and structure your essay in the very best way possible. A 1 hour essay deadline may be a true problem, if you're not good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. You might, for instance, write an expository essay with step-by-step instructions about how to create a peanut butter sandwich. Thirdly, it's advisable to select a topic that's specific. Each topic is broken into subtopics that you should prepare. List the topics which you are knowledgeable about. You wish to pick a topic that's neither too broad nor too narrow. Facts, Fiction and Write Essay Topics Essay writing requires students to remain focused on for a lengthy time. Response Essay In many classes, writing reflection is a significant part the growth of critical thinking. Additionally, there are usually too many different assignments to accomplish. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Jane Austen s Emma And The Passages - 2175 Words
Abigail Thurin Courtney Wilder and Henry Krusiewicz Blue Humanities 28 October 2014 Emma by Jane Austen VS Benjamin Franklin Jane Austen’s novel Emma and The passages by Benjamin Franklin talk about the strong opinions their authors have on marriage. While they were both in alive and writing in different times and places, they both have differences and similarities in their opinions on what marriage means to them. My goal in this paper is to talk about those differences and similarities in opinion, by talking about the many character and relationships that are in Jane Austen s book and the letters and passages the are written by Benjamin Franklin. Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 to her parents Reverend George Austen of the Steventon rectory and Cassandra Austen of the Leigh family. She had seven brothers and sisters, and lived with her family on the lower end of the English landed gentry. She was very well educated, and wrote many books during her lifetime. Her works were mainly romantic fiction, and have gave her the title of being one of the most known writers and read writers in English Literature. Unfortunately she died on July 18, 1817 at the age of 41 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It is truly unknown what killed her, but in recent studies, it it was believed to be bovine tuberculosis that killed her in the end. In Austen’s one book Emma, tells the story of a young privileged girl named Emma Woodhouse. Emma is a young twenty-year-old, beautiful,Show MoreRelated Genteel People and Honest Hearts in Jane Austens Emma Essay examples1575 Words  | 7 PagesEmma: Genteel People and Honest Hearts           In Emma, Jane Austen gives us ‘only the surface of the lives of genteel people’? Though not necessarily a commonly used term today, the meaning of ‘genteel people’ is easily assumed. Good birth and breeding are not necessarily the only ‘qualities’ of genteel people: simple generosity, courtesy and elegance can also apply, as well as marriage into the class. The majority of the characters in Emma to some extent expand this definition to provideRead MoreThe Woman Of A Tradesman Essay1537 Words  | 7 Pagesspite of the fact that Emma is unmistakably a flight from the usual and ordinary Austen s depiction of women, the other female characters in the novel bring to light the challenges confronting ladies without monetary autonomy. Miss Bates, Jane Fairfax, and Harriet Smith represent three conceivable situations for the women who do not have high social status and position like Emma. Miss Bates never wedded and is reliant on her mother s insignificant wage. With the passage of time, her neediness buildsRead MoreTheme of Transformation in Emma1209 Words  | 5 PagesEmma also transforms into a proper woman through correcting her original neglect. Trollope states that â€Å"[i]n every passage of the book she is in fault for some folly, some vanity, some ignorance, or indeed for some meanness†(7)19. Because of her ignorance toward attitudes of her neighbors, Emma interferes through their lives in a way that makes them unhappy, for â€Å"she had often been negligent†(Austen 359)20. Mr. Knightley predicts the outcome of Emma’s plans in the beginning of the novel when heRead More Essay on Mr.Woodhouse and Miss Bates in Jane Austens Emma1648 Words  | 7 PagesThe Characters of Mr.Woodhouse and Miss Bates in Emma  The immediate impression one gets of Miss Bates is that of a loquacious old biddy, one of Emmas more annoying personalities. But Miss Bates offers a refreshing contrast to the other characters in the novel, many of whom harbor hidden agendas and thinly veiled animosities toward perceived rivals. If every major character in Emma [is] a snob, we might consider Miss Bates the anti-snob. 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She often dramatized being ill in order to get sympathy from others including her husband. Mr. Churchill was no longer at the mercy of his overbearing wife and after her death seemed a bit lost with all his independenceRead MoreJane Austen’s Novels and the Contemporary Social and Literary Conventions.12979 Words  | 52 Pages2.3 The Gothic Romance. 13 3. Jane Austen and Her Novels in relation to the Contemporary Literature. 15 3.1. Austen’s Criticism about the Contemporary Fiction. 15 3.2. Jane Austen as a Conservative Writer and as a Social Critic. 16 3.3. Austen’s writing in her own perception. 17 4. Pride and Prejudice. 20 4.1. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy – the Reversed Ideals. 20 22 5. Emma 23 5.1. Emma the heroine. 23 5.2. Men of sense and silly wives 26 5.3. Emma as the unusual learning. 28 ConclusionsRead MoreClueless a Transformation of Emma4584 Words  | 19 PagesHow does the composer of Clueless use film techniques to transform the social, historical and environmental context of Jane Austen’s Emma to the modern context of Clueless? Amy Heckerling’s Clueless involves a storyline, which closely follows the text of Jane Austen’s novel Emma. However, there are some key points of difference in the transformation that has taken place. This is due to the individual context of the nineteenth century prose text and that of the modern appropriated film text. 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The birth of the Bildungsroman is normally dated to the publication of Wilhelm Meister s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1795–96,[8] or, sometimes, to Christoph Martin Wieland s Geschichte des Agathon of 1767.[9] Although the Bildungsroman arose in Germany, it has had extensive influence first in Europe and later throughout the world. Thomas Carlyle translated Goethe’s novel
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Attempting to Measure Welfare in the Philippines
â€Å"Most of the unemployed are not poor; and most of the poor are not unemployed.†If read at first this statement may seem to be absurd but it is in fact the reality that plagues our country today. For one, it is determined that unemployment brings upon the prevalence of poverty but how come would the poor in the Philippines be in fact be in the midst of the employed? Emmanuel S. de Dios and Katrina I. Dinglasan have adequately answered this baffling phenomenon with historical data and mathematical computations thus proving that â€Å"unemployment†is not an effective measure of welfare, i.e., in our country. The Philippines in its current state cannot be painted in its best picture hence it stands on unsteady grounds both economically and†¦show more content†¦If the government will perhaps stimulate capital investments (by lower interest rates, there would be no need for low skill labor in this sector and the excess manpower derived from this movement may be diverted in other more productive means. Thus, about the last paper assignment regarding the three pronged approach to growth, I now question if the establishment of special labor employment zones would make the country better off especially now that it has been proven that poverty does not necessarily lessen with the surge of employment. Overall the rationalization that it is better for the poor to earn something than nothing regarding the special employment zone does not bode well for the country in terms of the welfare of its citizens, hence the government should do something concerning this implication. Now, what could the government do given the problem at hand? I think the government may still implement the special labor employment zones because overall it will still increase the country’s productivity but aside from that the government, I think, in the short run could perhaps do capital investments especially in the agriculture sector, such as granting this sector t he use of modern day equipment that would increase productivity but at a lower cost. In lieu with the years ahead the government should better concern itself in improving its humanShow MoreRelatedInstruments Of Power Essay1643 Words  | 7 Pageswhen attempting to negotiate a constructive end result with another country, however, is not always a practical opportunity, especially during times of political turmoil, or when there is no indication of reaching a common goal. It is primarily controlled by the state, not by the civilians. The diplomatic IOP relies on cooperation and persuasion and is reluctant to force. Normally, it has a strong military backing. Another IOP is the military, which is designed to utilize different measures of forceRead MoreSummary of Rizal2168 Words  | 9 Pageseducational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about Josà © Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools , Colleges and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. The measure was strongly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines due to the anti-clerical themesRead MoreSanlakas vs. Executive Secretary Angelo Reyes G.R. No. 159085. 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Statement of the Problem The aim of the study is to look into the root reasons of Terrorism and its effect on the government where it is experienced like in the Philippines and the world. To achieve this objective, the researchers sought to answers the following questions. 1. What is terrorism? 2. What are the Reasons for attempting to bring aboutRead MoreThesis About Call Center Agents14127 Words  | 57 Pagesoperations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Employees who work under these companies are referred as call center agents or customer service representatives. Any graduates here in the Philippines has once in a while heard things related to call center companies, etc. Undergraduates, unemployed graduates of nursing almost exclusively resort working for these companies. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Data Compiling
Question: Write an essay on Data Compiling. Answer: Data Compiling Introduction Collection of the most appropriate data is one of the most vital aspect in the process of conducting any particular survey for a particular selected topic. This aspect will also be crucial for this particular study on the selected subject of educating importance of near misses or errors in a healthcare facility with Audience Registered nurses (RN) and Licensed practical nurses (LPN) as the target audience. Compilation of the Raw Data Raw data is one of the most vital parts for completing a research work on a given subject. This aspect is also apparent for the case of educating the nursing in Baxter international with regard to near misses and errors. It is notable that raw data can mainly attained on the basis of primary data that can be acquired from survey and questionnaire. Primary data mostly include the unused data that can be used as firsthand information for the completion of a particular study on a given subject. There are various data collection that is used nursing studies in the present day scenario. Some of the major approaches that can be used for the purpose of collection of primary data include surveys and questions along with semi-structured and focus group interview among others. In this particular clinical study information has been compiled with the help of questionnaire interview that mainly include a mix of open and closed ended questions (McCawley, 2004). The questions that has been used in this study is provided hereunder. Please specify your gender? What is your role within the healthcare organization? How frequent do errors get prevalent within your workplace? How often close misses is existent within your workplace? Do you believe that near misses and errors influences the process of patient care negatively? What is your role in the process of understanding the increasing incidents of near misses and errors along with considering steps in eliminating them? Do you believe your role as a medical practitioner? The responses that has been gathered for the above questions has been able to present a better understanding of the internal condition of the nurses and other health care staffs with regard to near misses and errors. These information is deemed as quite crucial for the overall completion of the study. Moreover, the data collected will also help in setting a proper plan for educating the nurses and healthcare staffs of Baxter to deal with the patients more efficiently and likewise meet the objective of the study at large (Baxter, 2016). Apart from the primary sources, data has also been acquired from secondary sources for preliminary understanding. Results has suggested that there are various incidents in the past with regard to near misses and errors within the workplace with no major harm for the patients. However, there is a lack of any systematic training for eliminating the issues of errors and near misses at large (Woolever, n.d.). Organization of the Data The data has been organized in the table hereunder. Questions Responses Please specify your gender? A large percentage of the respondents involved the female nurses of the healthcare unit What is your role within the healthcare organization? Most of the respondents have depicted their role to be of registered nurses within the organization How frequent do errors get prevalent within your workplace? The respondents has affirmed that they issues of near misses and errors is quite prevalent and frequent within their organization How often close misses is existent within your workplace? The respondents on an average has showed that mostly 4 out of 10 cases near misses and errors is prevalent within the workplace. Do you believe that near misses and errors influences the process of patient care negatively? Most of the respondents has claimed that near misses and errors in patient case has not resulted into any fatal outcome in the recent years What is your role in the process of understanding the increasing incidents of near misses and errors along with considering steps in eliminating them? A large percentage of the nurses has claimed that in case of near miss events their role mainly comprise of identifying the key issues that can result in such form of negligence within the workplace Do you believe your role as a medical practitioner is important in mitigating or eliminating near miss events? Most of the respondents has agreed on the aspect that their role is the most important in identification of the issues and likewise mitigating the same in the workplace The above section of the study clearly shows the concern of the healthcare unit regarding the increasing issues of errors within the workplace that further influence the prospects of better patient safety and care (Crane et. al. 2015). In this regard, it will be crucial to adopt approaches that can be effective in minimizing this issues of errors further enhancing the overall patient care (Strub, 2010). This can be done through strengthening the training facilities for the nurses which will further help them to eliminate the issues of errors in patient care and other activities (Wolf Hughes, 2010). . Conclusion From the overall analysis, it can be concluded that effective patient care has been lacking in the healthcare especially in the presence of incidents of errors and near misses. This can be improved through ensuring proper training and continuous monitoring at large. References Baxter. (2016). Sustainability. Retrieved from https://www.baxter.com/corporate-responsibility/sustainability/overview.page? Crane, S. et. al. (2015). Reporting and Using Near-miss Events to Improve Patient Safety in Diverse Primary Care Practices: A Collaborative Approach to Learning from Our Mistakes. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 28 (4): 452-460. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2015.04.140050. McCawley, P. F. (2004). Method for Conducting an Educational Needs Assessment. Retrieved from https://www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/BUL/BUL0870.pdf Strub, W. (2010). Near Miss Reporting: An Educational Program. Retrieved from https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1013context=nursing_etd_masters Wolf, Z. R. Hughes, R. G. (2010). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2652/ Woolever, D. R. (No Date). The Impact of a Patient Safety Program on Medical Error Reporting. Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/advances/vol1/Woolever.pdf
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